A lot of Jamb candidates are wondering what advantage does Computer Based Test (CBT) has over Paper Pencil Test, (PPT)? According to the report, candidates who wrote their Jamb last year with CBT passed more than PPT. And here are what Jambites are saying about CBT.
Advantage of Jamb CBT over PPT
* Jamb Computer-Based-Test questions are very cheap and no negative marking, but the time allocation is very little; once the allotted time for the examination elapses, that is the end and your score will be given to you.
* Another advantage of CBT over PPT is that there is no missing script because you are using computer but in PPT missing script is rampant.
Advantage of PPT over CBT
The advantage of JAMB Paper Pencil Test, (PPT) over CBT is that you can still quickly shade your answer even when the examination is over.
(NigeriaSchool Input)
I don’t believe in cheap questions, PPT or CBT it does not matter, so long as you prepare very well for Jamb examination, the question will come out very cheap.
From last year Jamb statistics, the 10 candidates that scored above 300 took the PPT, highest scorer in CBT was 296, missing papers is not rampant as stated above, your Jamb result is only seized when you cheat or refused to submit your time when the allotted time given to you have elapsed, there is nothing like negative marking.
Jamb examination is all about how much you prepare.
What do you think? Is Jamb CBT better than Jamb PPT?
Read all the latest news on Jamb Registration and Examination Date at www.nigeriaschool.com.ng/jamb2013
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Thank you admin, well explained, kudos for this!
I took my son to the venue of his UTM-Examination last year and he sat for the Computer Based Type. the conduct was so simple and serene that any student who truly studied for the exam will pass. If I have to advise someone, I would easily suggest computer based.
It is also important to share with students that the issue of negative marking has been resolved. There’s no such thing as negative marking in JAMB, i read it here.
Thanks to the admin for keeping this blog up to date, i have for long been a loyal reader and referrer too. Keep it going. Kindly do not remove the link I gave readers above, it will help the students understand the status quo in the negative marking saga. Thanks for your work.
But cbt Is easier and simplier,cuz d dae u dont wryt,u culd easily ask 4 aufa