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UNN Nsukka Compulsory Laptop For Freshers – Saga

I called my very good friend Luchi yesterday to ask her how she is coping with the stress of first year clearance in the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, UNN.

She told me that she is still in Onitsha. And on asking why. she said. Dad ain’t got 70k for laptop!

Yes its looking like a very big joke, sounds like one too but unfortunately it has come to be a stark reality.

Why on earth should the school authorities be mandating first year entrants into the Almighty Lions den to buy compulsory laptops at such costs of 70k.

For crying out loud even Buhari himself presently knows that the condition of this country is very critical. Very? Its extremely critical!!!

Yet its in these times that our Supposedly caring and fatherly Vice Chancellor chose to force students to pay 70k for laptop!!! For the records I bought my HP Compaq CQ57 with 4gig Ram and 320gig hard disk at a fairly cheap cost of 50k giving the quality of the laptop

So what kinda laptop on earth is Benjamin Ozumba asking these students to buy @70k huh?

Its only in the Republic of University of Nigeria, Unn that people purchase goods they can’t afford, goods they don’t need and of course goods they don’t know anything about its makeup!!!…

If UNN NSUKKA is a country then Ozumba should be her Dictator in chief. This whole thing makes no sense and unless we stand up and say No to it. We should brace up for worse things to come.

This man came into office as the Vice Chancellor and told us to start paying 6k for WiFi

Our WiFi service became as erratic as The Power supply in Unn. Back for a new session and our WiFi fee is back to 12k….who is complaining??… NOBODY!!!!…it was within the past semester that the school administration woke up in the middle of one sunny afternoon and said we should all go on a compulsory two weeks break… And in that bullshit we lost students…friends that meant a lot to us

Within this shitty period I met one of our ‘SUG’ officials and proposed a Candle light procession in memory of those students… Guess what he told me he doesn’t know what it means.

I calmed down to explain and after the stress the dude told me he doesn’t want the school authorities to start thinking otherwise. on top a peaceful activity?

If am a fresher in the social sciences this year its very practical am paying

School fees- ‪N59k‬
Acceptance-‪ N25k‬

In a federal university and somebody tells me we have a working SUG in this school???

Well honestly… I should call that an extension of the VCs flock…..Our SUG should for crying out loud Struggle first!!!

Let’s sew their effort… And what if they don’t???… You and I??….will sit here and watch these things happen??

We should be a family people…yea Ur family can afford these things comfortably but what about others??

Bartho once said that education is not for the poor… Seriously I can see that the poor have defied the odds enough.

Now Ozumba and his SUG are seriously implementing it

We either decide to collectively say No to this inhumanity or decide to leave our lives in their hands like puppets!


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