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Home ยป Unilag wins battle 1 over renaming unilag to Maulag

Unilag wins battle 1 over renaming unilag to Maulag

You are already aware that the president of Nigeria Goodluck Jonathan proposed (forcefully) to changed the name of The University of Lagos(Unilag) to Moshood abiola university(Moulag?) it has been the subject of discussion in the Nigerian educational system and other sectors that were not happy with the president, the changed took place on Democracy day speech given by the president.

The Institution was renaming in honour of MKO Abiola after the supposed June 12 1993 election winner.

The latest speech in support of UNILAG, came from the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU), when they revealed and shared a logo, bearing the inscription “UNILAG FOREVER”, indicating their support for the Former name,(unilag) over the later.(maulag)

Even Wikipedia was fast enough to edit unilag to maulag, wikipedia: renaming unilag to maulag

The following are excerpt from a channels television broadcast, after the court war, between UNILAG and the Federal Government.
“A Federal High Court in Lagos on Monday granted an interim order restraining the Federal Government from renaming theUniversity of Lagos(UNILAG).
The order was granted by Justice Stephen Adah, who was ruling in the suits brought against the May 29, 2012 renaming of the institution by the students and alumni of the University of Lagos(UNILAG).

The court, however, advised the litigants to harmonise the suits into one and adjourned further hearing till July 4th.
The defendants in the suits are UNILAG, the UNILAG Governing Council, the UNILAG Senate, the Attorney-General of the Federation and the National Assembly.
More Updates from the UNILAG Saga to be posted here.

Moshood Abiola university? Or University of Lagos? Which is your choice?

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