The University College Hospital, UCH Ibadan school of nursing entrance results, Interview list and schedule date for the 2019/2020 academic session is out.
WE are using this platform to notify all the applicants that participated in the University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan, School of Nursing entrance examination that the results has been released for the 2019/2020 academic session.
UCH Ibadan School of Nursing Entrance Result
The Underlisted candidates was successful at UCH Ibadan Nursing Examination conducted on the 6th of July, 2019. On this note, all the successful candidates are expected to report at Room 6 Enquiry of the School of Nursing for letter of interview from Wednesday 14th August 2019 between 9.00a.m and 3.30p.m daily.
UCH Ibadan School of Nursing Successful Candidates’ List
1st Set – Interview Date is 11th September, 2019.
CLICK HERE (.PDF) View it on a devised that is capable of opening .pdf files.
2nd Set – Interview Date is 12th September, 2019.
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