Are you are among those who are offered provisional admission into the Institution in the 2014/2015 Academic Session? Then you need to read this post! Here are some basic stuffs you will need to bring to school.
A lot of Universities have announced their resumption date for the 2014/2015 session. And candidates who are admitted should take note of the follow;
Here are the list of some of the things you will most certainly need in school as a first year student;
* Take your Bible to school!
* Your Credentials (All documents that pertain to your admission for clearance and registration, don’t miss any of it!)
* Writing materials and stationery (Exercise Books, Pen, Pencils, Staple, paper clip, school bag, office files etc) Although you can get all this from the school campus.
* Domestic Utilities (Buckets, Pots, Plates, Mattress, Stove, Rechargeable Lamp etc)
* Pocket Money – You need this!
* And your personal stuffs.
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