The latest information reaching us is that the Obafemi Awolowo University, (OAU) School management has announced on their Facebook Page and UME that they have conclude all the necessary arrangements for the school to resume the on the 4th of March, 2013 for the 2012/2013 academic session.
All the Freshers and Returning students should get prepared to return to school on the set date announced above.
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When will Obafemi Awolowo University, OAU Resumption date for 2013?
For all the students who are asking us about the resumption date, here is your answer.
OAU will Resume on the 4th March 2013 for the 2012/2013 Session
Cant wait 2 resum oh….GR8T IFE…….march 4 on my mind…add me un 2go Korede124
Cant wait 2 resum oh………..march 4 on my mind…add me un 2go Korede124