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Federal Poly Nekede Acceptance Fee Payment (ND/HND) for 2020/2021 Academic Session

The Federal Polytechnic Nekede Acceptance Fee Payment for National Diploma (ND) and Higher National Diploma (HND) admitted candidates for the 2020/2021 academic session have commenced. The Nekede Poly Acceptance fee is N40,000.00 only.

nekede poly acceptance fee

The management of the Federal Polytechnic Nekede is using this medium to inform all the National Diploma (ND) and Higher National Diploma (HND) candidates who have been offered provisional admission into the Institution for the 2020/2021 academic session that the payment of Acceptance Fees has commenced.

See also: Federal Poly Nekede ND Admission List | Nekede Poly HND Admission List

All the successfully admitted candidates are hereby to accept the offer by prompt payment of the acceptance fee of Forty Thousand Naira (N40,000.00 only) on the E-Tranzact Platform at Federal Polytechnic Microfinance Bank within two weeks or have the admission forfeited.

Federal Poly Nekede Acceptance Fee & Payment Procedure

For further details on how to make a payment, log into the college’s portal @

Proceed with your documents to the Director where you will be issued with Registration materials and authorization paper to pay your tuition fees.

Registration must be completed within one month of acceptance of the offer of admission. The admission lapses upon non-compliance with this time duration

Please, note that if any disparity is subsequently discovered on the relevant educational qualification which you claimed, you will be required to withdraw from the Institution.

Please take note that the confirmation of this offer is subject to your tendering of the evidence of minimum entry qualification for the course offered.

Poly Nekede Registration Procedure for New Students

Admitted candidates should follow the steps outlined below for your registration:

  1. Proceed to the school’s website to raise the acceptance fee invoice and make payment then return to the website and obtain your payment receipt.
  2. Upload your relevant documents on the school’s official portal.
  3. Monitor your screening status on the school’s website. You will also be notified via SMS/Email when you have been screened.
  4. If successful your SMS/Email will contain Remita Fee payment RRR. Kindly visit the school’s website, create your portal ID and pay school fees via Bank or online with ATM Card then obtain a school fee receipt on the same portal.
  5. Proceed to Medicals for X-Ray Screening.
  6. Visit MIS for your Matric Number and Student ID Card.
  7. Login to your portal account and Register for Semester Courses.
  8. Print Semester Course Registration and Take to your Department for Approval

Registration must be completed within one month of acceptance of the offer of admission. The admission lapses upon non-compliance within this time duration.

Welcome to Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri, and say No to cultism.

Read also: FPNO HND Supplementary Form and Nekede Poly School Fees

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7 thoughts on “Federal Poly Nekede Acceptance Fee Payment (ND/HND) for 2020/2021 Academic Session”

  1. thank you for the information finally i now know the full procedure of registration .
    but i want to ask, is it only the micro finance bank in nekede polytechnic that you can pay the acceptance fee?
    because i stay in a different location.
    thank you.

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