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Home » JAMB 2022 Form- UTME 2022 Registration » Part 4: Mistakes that Leads to University Admission Failure: Choice of UTME Subjects

Part 4: Mistakes that Leads to University Admission Failure: Choice of UTME Subjects

JAMB candidates are expected to write four subjects with English compulsory. Basically, the appropriate UTME subject for each Course is available in JAMB brochure.

Every year many students apply for admission without considering the UTME subject combination. For example, in 2010/2011 session, out of about 6000 admitted candidates, university of Ibadan drop about 1500 student because majority of them have wrong combination of UTME subjects. The same problem also occurs in many institutions.

Note: If you missed the Part 1 and Part 2 and part 3. Or if you are reading on any other website aside from, then you are missing out on all the vital information! visit to read the full information. You can read part 1 here and part 2 here. and Part 4 Here.

There are some factors you need to consider before selecting UTME subjects. The only exception is course that has fixed subject i.e. medicine, Engineering and few others. These factors include availability, knowledge and flexibility.


Jamb Registration


To Avoid Incomplete Result

  • Candidates are strongly advised to study the instructions on the answer sheet carefully to guide them during the examination.
  • It is very important that candidates must write and shade the subjects they are sitting for in order to ensure that their results are released in full.
  • Non compliance with these instructions will lead to candidates having incomplete or no result. Please be warned.


Change of Course/Institution Form

Some candidates for one reason or the other after checking their result may want to change their institution or course. Over the years, candidates have changed their institution due to the following reasons.

Low JAMB Score: As you Many know, most Federal University allow only candidates who score 200 and above for admission. Some candidate who put them as first choice now scores less than 200.

That means they are not eligible to write post UTME. If you eventually fall in this category, you will need to buy change of course/institution form to change your first choice to a university that accepts less than 200.

That accept your score take 180 as cut-off mark. (Refer to the appendix for the list of university and their cut-off mark) When you have seen a suitable university, you can then proceed to obtain the form.

The reason is because most university will not offer you admission if you put them as 2nd choice institution. Take note that the form also allows you to change your course if you wish.

However, if you want to change your course, make sure the new course match your cut-off mark. Some university set cut-off for some course i.e llorin.


High Jamb Score:

Some candidates out of fear that they may not score high enough in JAMB put some state university as first choice. Others put universities that are less competitive.

Checking their result, they found out that they score high enough in JAMB. Some of these candidates later decide to change their institution to a Federal University or a supposed better one.

The reason is because if your JAMB score is high, your chances of admission will be high too. In most cases, JAMB contributes 50% while post UTME contribute 50% so after your JAMB you may now see where you stand. If you are sure your score is high enough to give you a chance then go for it.


Change of orientation:

Many students fumble their way through application without proper orientation. Some of them later find out that they have made the wrong choice in university.

Some find out that the university they apply to is too competitive. Others just do not like the university they apply to. For these reasons and many others these candidates decide to change their institutions. So, if you fall in this category, you will also need change of institution form.

There are certain points you have to keep in mind if you will need the form for any reason. First, you have to apply within the first one week after the release of JAMB result.

This is because the card may become unavailable after sometime. Besides, JAMB will not send your name to the institution you change to on time. In 2011 UTME, those who did not buy the form on time could not write post UTME because JAMB did not send their names to the school they reapplied to.

Keypoint: What I want you remember at this section is that if for any reason you will do change of institution make sure you do that at one week after JAMB release the result. Many persons check their result with their phone.

Even if you do, try and go online to print it. It may be worth the effort later. If you have any complain with JAMB, you may need to email them.

If you are on newsletter, we will try and follow up any complain that you may have. For those who want to do change of name, we will also intimate you with the procedure and cost of doing that.


We have reached the end of this report, now is the best time to use this powerful information that I have used over the years to help many students get admission into Nigeria Universities.

1 thought on “Part 4: Mistakes that Leads to University Admission Failure: Choice of UTME Subjects”

  1. sir,could u pls check my result and send it to my
    number if it has been released,my reg.number is(55294574fc) and my
    number is 08068196410

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