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JAMB Result Statistics, Analysis and Breakdown for 2018 UTME

The Joint Admission and Matriculation Board, JAMB official Result Statistics for the 2018 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination, UTME conducted between 9th March – 16th March, 2018. This JAMB 2018 statistics includes the total number of JAMB 2018 results to be released, and the number of results being withheld for further investigations.

JAMB Releases Results Statistics for 2018 UTME

See also: JAMB Release 1.5 million Results. Click Here to Check

JAMB Result Statistics for 2018 UTME

JAMB claimed to have viewed all the CCTV footage during the conduct of the 2018 UTME and considering reports from their supervisors, monitors and other independent Nigerians, the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has released the results of (1,502,978) One Million, Five Hundred and Two thousand, Nine Hundred and Seventy-Eight candidates who sat for the 2018 UTME and withheld a total number of 112,331 candidates.

in summary;

  • Total Number of 2018 UTME Candidates: 1,652,825
  • Number of Released UTME Results: 1,502,978
  • Number of With-held Results: 112,331
  • Number of Results for Blind Candidates (Still With-held): 350

According to the JAMB Head of Media, Dr. Fabian Benjamin, the above numbers exclude the results for Foreign Candidates, who are expected to write their own exams in April, 2018.

If you are yet to check your results, you can do so by CLICKING HERE.

94 thoughts on “JAMB Result Statistics, Analysis and Breakdown for 2018 UTME”

  1. I scored 252 in my 2018/2019 jamb exam and i applied for law in unizik, do i still have chances of getting admission in unizik to study law? Notify me with immediate effect. Asap. Via 09072068xx thank you, if only you complied with mua.

    1. Good sir,
      How can you call yourself a loser when you are still alive and kicking? Go out there and make things happen!
      Fix your English, improve in other areas and watch how you are going to come out in flying colors!

    2. You are not a loser. Just have determination and concentrate. I guess there could be distractions around, keep away from them.

      Focus to be great in life is all you need.
      I believe in God, you should talk to him for Support too.

      1. Thank you for your contribution Tayo. Once in a while, we find ourselves in a corner and we conclude we have failed not just ourselves, but our families too. I hope Abdulrahman realize this in time.
        I believe in God, and I hope he does too.

        Thank you again.

  2. You are not a loser. Just have determination and concentrate. I guess there could be distractions around, keep away from them.

    Focus to be great in life is all you need.
    I believe in God, you should talk to him for Support too.

  3. I am among those that their result were withheld . I am urging jamb to be just in their investigation and should know they are putting lives of some innocents in danger .

  4. I scored 272 in jamb and I chose mbbs at UI, I had 3A’s, 5B’s and 1C in my O’level results, what are my chances

    1. onyekwelu onyedika

      Your WEAC doesn’t matter for U.I from my experience last year. I got 283 in jamb but couldn’t get law because I was down from cut-off with 2marks and also U.I cut-off depends on performance,so work hard,you can still make it

  5. I scored 232 in my 2018 utme examination and applied for electrical & electronic engineering at university of Ibadan do I still have a chance of being admitted?

  6. my result av bin released before and I want to check it again so I can go to the cafe and print it out,and tz telling me no result yet,watz d problem nd wat can I do

  7. I had 218 and want to study business administration in adekunle ajashin university, with an excellent o’ level result.what are my chances?

  8. My jamb scored is 242 in my 2018 utme and I applied political science at university of Benin do I still have a chance of being admitted.

  9. I scored 233 in jamb and I chose university of Uyo and want to study accounting wat re my chances of gaining admission

      1. Please,i had 260 in jamb. I am a law aspirant of Delsu,also an indigene with good O’level results. What are my chances?

  10. pls I had 224 in jamb and I applied for Law in UI my chnace of gaining admission ooo..

    and pls can I change my second choice institutions in jamb Change of course..

    1. Yes you can change your second choice institution.

      Your chance of gaining admission will also depend on what you scored in the fourth coming post utme test.

    2. onyekwelu onyedika

      Hmm,u need to aim for at least 80/100 in your p-utme. I got 283 in jamb last year and 66 in p-utme but the thing fly me. One hint am gonna give you is never take their sample questions for granted,don’t expect to normal secondary school questions there. I wish you success after all☺

  11. Please, I had 260 in the Jamb exam and i applied for Law at DELSU. I am an indigene I also have good O’level results. What are my chances??

  12. Please, is it possible for you to update me with the total numbers of candidate who applied for computer engineering in university of Uyo, Akwa Ibom State?

  13. My was release on the first batch but now you do not have any result yet. What the problem? Pls help me check again 86186018af

  14. I Score 231 In 2018 Jamb Exam And Applied For Medicine And Surgery In B S U M. .With Good Waec Result. .What Are My Chances Of Getting Admission Sir

    1. Your chance of getting admission will also depend not only on your JAMB Score + WAEC, but also on your Post UTME Score.
      But you are on track! Keep winning.

  15. please is the Post UTME SCREENING jst going to be conducted as a screening exercise( jst WAEC Result n etc) or with the screening like Tests of questions n answers pls Thank you, or help is really needed

  16. Hi Sir, I wrote mine on 10th of Saturday afternoon and up till now when ever I checked my results it will be telling me that you have no result yet ,what’s the problem? Sir!

  17. please i score 235 in jamb and i have 2A’S,5B’S,2C’S IN MY O LEVEL RESULT and i intended to study medicine and surgery. IS THERE ANY CHANCE FOR ME TO STUDY MEDICINE AND SURGERY.

  18. I scored 282 in my jamb and i applied for medicine in ui with a good ssce result,what is my chances of been admitted

  19. Pls progod, i’m also an aspirant of unimaid i score 260 and apply for medicine too. But don’t ve any contact there. Can i ve ur contact so we can communicate tanks.

  20. I score 172 in my jamb, i apply to Study chemistry in yobe State University damaturu and my school cut off marks is 160 and I have 8 credit with e8 in , Please what is my chance of gaining admission

  21. pls ,those that score 250 i n their jamb ,do they have chance to Sit for the post Utme in OAU or Unilag?

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