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[Official] How to Check 2020 JAMB UTME CBT Result FREE!

The Joint Admission and Matriculation Board, JAMB has released the 2020/2021 Jamb UTME Result of candidates who participated in the exam. Important Notice: This page will be updated frequently, please check back to know when the result of your Examination date is released online.

How to check 2020 Jamb Result Online

The Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) Results 2020/2021 has been released and published online. All the students who participated in the UTME can now proceed to check their results.

How to check 2020 Jamb Result Online

Step 1. from a PC connected to the internet, go to Jamb official website here: (Update: Check Jamb 2020 Result Here)

Step 2. When the page loads up, you will need to login and click on the “Check 2020 UTME Examination Results” box.

check jamb result 2017

Step 3. When you click on it, it would either display your result or tell you “You Do Not Have Any Result Yet”

Note: If you have no result yet, JAMB usually release results in batches. Even if someone who wrote the same day has seen his/her result, you still need to exercise some patience until yours is released.

What next after you have checked your results? The next thing to do is to know the JAMB Cut off mark for 2020 loading which has not been released by the JAMB board.

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162 thoughts on “[Official] How to Check 2020 JAMB UTME CBT Result FREE!”

  1. Pls i just checked my result and dey display by showing aggregate:128..
    Is dat d final result??
    Cos am confuse with dat low mark

    1. Did you check it online? Is your Subjects all recorded? If yes, then am afraid that is your final aggregate.

          1. Without your Email and password used during jamb registration. We can’t check it for you.
            Please login to your Jamb profile to check your results.

  2. the computer submitted for me instead when i exhausted my time of 165 mins and since then i havent gotten my result message from jamb and when i check it online,is says crap@no result

    1. When did you write yours? A lot of people are going to have problems like this. Candidates are always advised to submit their work even a few minutes before their allocated time finish.

      1. i wrote mine as far as on 27feb but still its still saying no result yet till date and i havent been sent the result either..pls sir what am i to do,what will happen to my result

  3. Yes o..even my own too, they gave me a score i felt so confused about…but i jx heard that u have to verify after 4 days itz nt so sure thatz the final result

  4. I wrote yesterday feb 11. And i received my score late @ night. -205. Is there a possibility that this is nt my final result??…cos i was so shocked

  5. Pls this notice on this site saying “Note: The Jamb result you received via SMS may not be
    the ‘final’ result as the SMS ends with “VERIFY and
    reprint at” that true cuz am xo confused wit my score in sms sent to me

  6. My jamb result stated 170 on the SMS I received is it the real one or not and why is jamb sending results when its not the real one

    1. It is the real one. They are only asking candidates to ‘verify’ it online. What you see online is your original score.

  7. the english language on register fill in the gaps number 13 to 20 the option is wrong ,,,I wrote on feb 29 my reg number is 65425429**

    1. Chemistry = 52;
      Physics = 44;
      Use of English = 39;
      Mathematics = 37;
      Your Aggregate Score = 172

      We edit your Jamb Reg No. to avoid others checking it again and again.

    1. Please what is the ** We can’t check it with that, you can complete it, after we check it, we will replace it with the asterisk sign (**)

  8. am kind of confuse here oooh,like seriously wen I saw it yest I wanted to kill myself cos dis is the 4th jamb m taken,I pray 145 z not my scores…I reject it in Jesus name

    1. You received an SMS of your result and you are asked to verify it online. SIMPLE.
      And 29th February Jamb results has been uploaded online. Please go check yours now.

    1. My registration number is 66007726** my name is Dorcas Dent Magani and I wrote mine on 29 February. Please can you help me and check it.

      1. Hello Ms. Dorcas,
        Find your result below;

        Chemistry = 57;
        Biology = 57;
        Physics = 40;
        Use of English = 37;
        Aggregate = 191

        Please go and print out your jamb result. We edited your post to remove your complete Jamb Reg. No. this is to ensure other people are not checking it… You can only given 5 opportunity to access your Jamb result for free.

  9. It Has to be Verified online so that they will know that the phone number is being used by a Jambite and not another person

  10. Abeg whatz going on ever since have wrote my Exam on 29th 1.30PM I never C my result.{ No result yet} yahwa don gas !

    1. Hopefully yahwa no go gas 🙁

      Please keep checking, a lot of people who wrote on the 27th has not seen their result yet.

    1. Please check it online. Most of the candidates who wrote on the 29th Feb. has seen their result via SMS and online.

  11. Pls I have Exam tomorrow 3rd St Rita Innovation fegge and they said d center seem to have problems, my frd was told to go n reprint, he dd n found out he was posted to another place with dsame date… I checked mine n its still showing dsame place

    1. You should go to the venue, am sure there will be officials there to direct people to another place if the systems are faulty.

    1. No Result Yet…

      Lets wait and see what Jamb will have to say regarding those whose computer submitted for them.
      So far, all of them that I have checked, the results has not been released.

  12. Happy maN here!! Dis 40marks is kind of real ooo… I score 174 in sms chck n 214 on website n jamb later sent a msg telling me its 214 in sms

  13. Banso oluwadunsi Felix

    This is my registration num 65672850jA i wrote it on the 2nd of march my name is banso oluwadunsi Felix 074 seat number


    Pls I wrote my own jamb on monday 1 march,I’ve checked my score online ‘no result yet’ and also no sms.Pls is there any other medium through which I can check or print my result? Am really frustrated!!!

  15. i wrote on feb 29 when i check onlin its telling me i was absent from examination and i thumbprinte when going in and cuming out i was also marke present by d invigilator what shud i do my reg numb is 65980402AB

    1. You CANNOT See Your Result because “You Were Absent From Examination
      It could be your details were not recorded. Please keep checking.

  16. plss i saw myy result 177 huw colud dat be my result jamb shuldd pls givee 40mrkss in order to gain addmisson dis year i pray

  17. The result that was send to me was 172 and i am so sure that is not my real score becus i was shocked when i saw it pls could u pls help me to recheck it my registration number is 65081223GF

  18. Plz ma phn numba was typed wrng so i cudnt get any sms abt ma result, plz help me chk mine tanks n Godblez. Regno.65019765EC. Diz iz ma email. alejipromise8

    1. Congratulations Awurumibe Nwabueze Clinton!

      Your Jamb Aggregate score is: 186.

      Please go and print out your Jamb result.

  19. i wrote my jamb on 8th march and they sent me 178 through sms but I having being checkin it “no result yet help out 65275034FA is my reg, number

  20. Please oh we jamb still release my result, i wrote since march 1st and it still showing me no result yet, what we i do am frustrated.

    1. Audu Kate, you will have to go and find your result ooo.

      Anyways, you can apply for Jamb remarking, when Jamb announced it.

  21. partiality of the highest order ….how can jamb give some student 40marks n not give some people or remark some people’s work n not do the same for others. wat is wrong with jamb this year? last year was better or fair…….jamb 2016. delay n error in result.

  22. I just wanna ask whether this year (2017/18) jamb result has been released… I just really wanna check, I’ve really been expecting because my mind is up and I won’t even score more than what I’ll score anyway… Lol

  23. The Result is not yet uploaded online if you wrote the Examination on day one and you are trying to check the result, the reply you will get now is;

    “You do not have any result yet”

  24. am confused oo I received 189 via SMS could dat b my result no…. pls help me and check
    reg no:75513678XXX
    e-mail: (sic)

        1. Exam No: C62902150
          Centre Name: Calvary Arrows college, km 20 Gboko Aliade Road, Gboko, Benue State.

          Subject Score
          Use of English 46
          Government 44
          Christian Rel. Know 41
          Economics 51
          Total Score:182


    Edit. I am the one editing your details to avoid it getting crawled by spammers/Scammers. I can see your full details before removing and adding XXXX to it.
    But your login details are not working.

    1. The next step is to wait for your school of choice to release their Post utme/Admission screening form. The admission form will be out in 2 or 3 months time. Please keep checking so you don’t miss out.

  26. How do i go about reseting my password?
    The password ’emmanuelemma is the password I have been using to access my email

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