Finally! Jamb 2013 Result has just been Released!! All candidates who took part in the Jamb UTME 2013/2014 Examination can now proceed to check their Jamb 2013 Score.
As at the time of writing this report, Jamb 2014-2015 Result has not been released, but we believe that the results will be out anytime from now.(probably before Friday). Meanwhile, the steps below can be used to check your Jamb results when it is out.
How To Check Jamb 2014 Result
Step 1. The step by step guide on how to check your Jamb Result has already been posted here, but due to the heavy traffic going to Jamb website, candidates can access their Jamb 2013 Result from this website and the step is just too simple, proceed to the website and
you can use this jamb website to check your result as the one above has automatically gone offline-
Step 2 When the webpage loads up, you are to enter your Jamb Registration Number and your Jamb Score will be displayed on your Computer Screen.
Please Take Note that Jamb website will be Overload with too much of queries, So it will not open easily. (Imagine, over 1 Million Jambites are all trying to check their Jamb Score at the same time)
The Best time to check your Result will be during the night Period.
We can Help you Check your Jamb Result, all you have to do is send us an email with your details or comment below and check back in few minutes.
According to the Jamb Registrar, Mr Dibu, 10 candidates scored 300 marks and above, while 127,017 candidates scored between 1-159 marks.
More details on the full statistics of Jamb 2013 will be uploaded soon.
Changing of Your Institution/Course- 2 Weeks Grace Only
If you made mistake while filling your Jamb registration form, or you want to change your Course or Institution due to low mark. You have just 2 weeks to change it to your choice. will be changing your Choice of Institution and /or Choice of Course, starting from Monday.
We wish all candidates the best.
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(36313950BE) You CANNOT See Your Result because “You Have No Biometric Verification”
35182239FA COngratulations!!!! you scored 203 please goto a cybercafe to print your jamb result.
Pls am in need of ur help too
Please let us know how we can be of help to you..
Pls what am I to do inorder to check my result if why trying to check it say You cannot see your result bcos you have no biometric verification. pls help Me
please see the solution for candidates with the no biometric verification on the homepage of
pls help me check mine: 35900393ff and send my result here…thanks and God bless
congrate my dear u made it eng 52 lit-eng 57 econs 45 govt 53 aggre=207
Thank you Chibenze
@chibenze……..were u refering 2 me dat i scored 207 plssssssss answer me
Pls sir help me check ma jamb reult.God bless u sir dis ma reg.number:35858411jf tanks u sir
Congratulations Kemisola Mercy, your jamb score is 128
Pls kindly hep me chek my result nw & mail me the result 35100720HA. Thanks
you scored 154
Pls help me check my jamb result 36528679AE
Please help me check my jamb result 36528679AE
Congratulations, you scored 146.
Pls wen I check, it was saying,exceeded no of checking while I’ve not check at all.pls help
can you drop your jamb number? Also you will have to purchase jamb e-facility card.
please me to check 35347342CD PLEAS THANKS GOD BLESS YOU ALL
you scored 146.
Please, help me to check for my jamb result with registration number 36142A449CJ
You CANNOT See Your Result because “You Have No Biometric Verification”
you scored 146
I have emailed it to you also.
Pls hlp me check the result wit the 35944916ff and 35972337El.thank u
this is for 35944916ff which state You CANNOT See Your Result because “You Have No Biometric Verification”
this is for 35972337El which state No Match Found, Check the PIN or Reg Number..
Pls help me 2 check my result here is reg no 35527863BB
you scored 159 congratulation
Plz non of d jamb website is avalable nd i want 2 kw my jamb result plz here is my reg. Number 35134999FD
you scored 153
Pls help me check my jamb score 35882590BH more blessing.
congratulation you scored
jaycee you score 207
Thank you Olamide.
thanks olamide
pls help me check my result 35776097HF
we are sorry this was the reply You CANNOT See Your Result because “You Have No Biometric Verification
No result for you yet You CANNOT See Your Result because “You Have No Biometric Verification”
Pls help me check myn… 35052939EH tanks
You CANNOT See Your Result because “You Have No Biometric Verification”
plz iz dere any other way of chekin d result apart frum ur registration number and d scratch card?i will like a know plz… Tenk u
Your pin number?
pls help me check my daughterd;s jamb result 36559661 IB
I appreciate tanks
Please check your previous comment, i have checked it already. doing that double time will prompt you to buy the e-facility card.
Pls help my broda check.35513634BI
Checked already, your brother (Emmanuel) scored 134.
Congratulation, your jamb cut off mark is Aggregate = 138
Plss dis d 3rd time am requestn 4 ur elp.elp check dis 35291039FF. Tankx elp post it 2
Congratulations Mary, your jamb score is Aggregate = 177
sent it to your email address.
i want to check my jamb result with my number-36461233JH
you don’t have any result yet
here is what i get when checking your result.
You CANNOT See Your Result because “You Have No Biometric Verification”
please go to the homepage of and read more on this..
Congratulations to you Olanike, you score 223!!
Aggregate = 223
Please go to a computer center to print out your result.
pls chk my jamb rzot 4 me. Reg no-3547548AI
No Match Found, Check the PIN or Reg Number.
you are missing one of the digit.
Pls wat is d cut off mark 4 pharmacy.ur coments pls
Dis is mah reg no 35892238HG …….and 35892155DE
Abosede (35892238HG)
Your Jamb Score Aggregate is = 161
Adekunle (35892155DE)
Your Jamb Score Aggregate is = 185
Congratulations to both of you.
Please go to a cybercafe to print out your jamb results.
pin :1391342957661689…. sr number 130176214
Congratulations YAYA, your Jamb score is:
Aggregate = 162
plz help my broda chk hz result reg num.35356668HI thkz may god blz u.
Congratulations Nurudeen, your jamb 2013 score is:
Aggregate = 166
Please help me check my jamb result reg. no 35567348JA. Exam no. 15603132 . You can inbox me in facebook @ osaigbovo enorense wilfred. Thankz 1luv.
Congratulations wilfred, you scored 145.
Aggregate = 145
Why isn’t it posibl 2 use Opera mini in checkin d result on phone?
Don’t know why, but ucweb is a free software and downloading it won’t take more than a minute or 2. if you don’t like the software, you can delete it after checking your result.
pls help me nd check mine 36660564BC SEND IT TO MY EMAIL PLS
Congratulation Chinedu!!!!
your jamb 2013 result is Aggregate = 199
Please take your details to a cybercafe and print it out.
Imo State University Jamb Cut-off mark is always 180.
Pls help me check mine den email me or send it to my bbm message. 227924AA
I don’t think your details is complete, here is what i get. No Match Found, Check the PIN or Reg Number..
please check and reply here so we can check it for you.
Pls help me check my result and give me back any info it displays
Reg. 35751624GF
Hello Stephen, here is your report You CANNOT See Your Result because “You Have No Biometric Verification, you can read this Biometric Verification Causes
God of high bless abondantly @Legend.
Thanks for releasing me a bit. Ok. I have seen it. Let me read the biometric views
Legend, diz iz d story.
On dat day of JAMB, i did my tomb-print 3times, bt all didn’t shw. Dey only mark me MANUALY in dia ROLL-SHEET nd tomb print odas.
Wè r 700+ in our center nd servin us wit ONLY 1 palm-top, so as all r tomb printn nd goin, i stud asid wit sum studnts, nw arnd 11a.m, one of d Officials drovè in wit hs JEEP, complainin oda centas v strtd nd dat we shld go in & strt exam.
We rejoice tot its a gud fate., nt knwning its our pendin fate.
Exam, muvs on till 3pm. Den wen we all passd our paper, we dismissd.
Dats wot hap.
Pls do me a gr8t Favour, share diz 2 all JAMBITES, i nid enteraction wit my couleagues dat ll write NDA exam.
Pls hlp me tll dem 2 snd An E-mail 2 diz ( or lets share idea b4 nd afta Our exam dated 18th May.
God bless u
Reply me if u r runny NDA exam or you knows who wana run it, lets rub mind.
Pls chek my jamb result 4me nd sent it into my e-mail thanks i wil b gratful
please drop your details and we will send it to your email asap.
you guys are doing great,please help me check my result 36372036GF
your jamb score 159, congratulations!!
please help me check my result 36372036GF
congratulations Attah, your jamb score 159
Please check mine. My reg number is 36233536BH.. Post it here pls…and again dat site u said we can use 2 check d result is never working. Tryna check d problem. Tanxs
congatulations Israel Onyegbula
your Aggregate is = 188
Please goto a cybercafe to where you can print out your result, you have 3 more chance to use it, after which you will need to buy a scratch card to check it. Also note that this is not the original jamb result slip. we will be offering it soon.
please ensure you use a computer system that you can print out your slip.
Let hope your school of choice cut-off mark is 180, if not you can quickly apply for change of Institution.
please help me check for my children’s jamb results: 35697871bd, 35271846bg & 35242583ca
please send the result to my email:
saw this late, anyways, i have forwarded the results to your email.
Rofiah (35242583CA) Aggregate = 209 Lit. in English = 52; History = 51; French = 44; Use of English = 62; total score is 209 Congratulations Rofiah
Aminat (35271846BG) Aggregate = 181 Physics = 41; Chemistry = 44; Biology = 44; Use of English = 52; congratulations, your jamb score is 181
Aggregate = 162 Mathematics = 40; Economics = 42; Commerce = 44; Use of English = 36; your Jamb score is 162 congratulations ===========================================================================================================================
please Mr/Mrs Sulaiman goto a computer center (cybercafe) to print out the result of your kids, congratulations to all of them.
we hope the school cut-off mark will be low so all of them will have the chance to be admitted. (don’t check the result again or you will exceed the free chance and will be required to buy the e-facility card)
pls check dis for me 36668440fc
Congratulations Jeremiah, here is your jamb score: Aggregate = 159
Plz check mine for me joel 36621821Df and36523241Cc plz send to my emil
Aggregate = 178 (36621821DF)
Aggregate = 192 (36523241CC)
congratulations, please goto a computer with internet connection and a printer to print out your results.
please also ensure to get your original jamb result slip.
I have forwarded this to your email address.
Pls help me check ma result. Ma z 36341809FB. Pls send it to ma email
Congratulations, your jamb score is 177
Pls help me check nd semd it here 35887613IA.
congratulation you scored Aggregate=184
pls i have requested 2times and dis is third times help me reg:35316182JC
Congratulations you scored 159
Pls help me reg:35316184IG
Congratulations you scored Aggregate = 161
Help me check viz plz 35207128HD
congratulation you scored 182
plz help me check ma result here is ma reg numba 35714265BA., TANX
we are sorry You CANNOT See Your Result because “You Have No Biometric Verification”
pls check my result.36319572CG
Plz help with this… jamb registration numba-35446217CE…My coz has been on my neck..and I keep geting one 40somfin error.
CONGRATULATION you scored 204
Pls help me check mine 35003133IF
congratulation you scored 178
Pls help me check for these..thanks…36040670BA and 36106241BD…
For (36040670BA) you scored 164
For (36106241BD) You CANNOT See Your Result because “You Have No Biometric Verification”
Wow..thnx..pls ℓ̊ omitted dis one…. 36106215JB..thnx alot
my reg. No:36364221DG
pls is dere any chance of seing ma rzolt pls help me..
please help me check my result 35516444CH.thank u.
Congratulations Victor!!!! you Jamb Score is Aggregate = 210
Pls help me with dis registration number 36034765HB THANKS
Congratulations, you scored 171
Please go to the nearest cybercafe to print out your jamb result.
Please help me to check 36612371GB
you have no result yet.
You CANNOT See Your Result because “You Have No Biometric Verification”
Pls help me check 36106215JB..pls
Pls help me check 35527849FD and email me or show it here.
congratulations you scored 165
Pls i hope Jamb is not trying to conspire against those students who chose universities over polytechnics bcos I can’t understand why all ds low scores ds time. Anyway God is at work and He must finish what He has started, Congrats.
plz, help me check my result……… 36289381AB
Congratulations, you scored 167
Pls help me check 35527849FD
Pls help me with dis registration number 36034765HB
Congratulation Uloma, you scored 171
Please help check mine..36106215JB thanks
Congratulations your jamb 2013 score is 162
pls help me check my jamb reg no:36364221DG tanx
FBL/LEGENDK!D You guys are doing a very great job. Thanks for bringing information close to us. Pls u promised to give us universities/polytechnics and their cut-off marks, when shld we be expecting it or better still what is d cut-off mark of university of Nass, Abuja, UNAD etc.
Check ma result 4me ooo…Reg no: 35152210CE
you don’t have any result yet.. You CANNOT See Your Result because “You Have No Biometric Verification”
pls here is my jamb details,pls check it for me… Registration no:35974786HD.
pls am still waiting. my reg no is: 35974786HD.thanks!