Any exam: whether graduation or introductory – is a stressful situation for the one who passes it. In addition, as a rule, before exams accumulate a lot of written work that must be passed. Fortunately, cheap writing service can help you. However, a number of issues still remain. How to prepare for exams? What exercises will help you worry less? How to behave in an exam? Can chocolate help you remember the information better? Is there a difference – repeat aloud or to yourself? Which method is most effective for remembering? And, most importantly, how can you calm yourself? You will find answers to all these questions in our article.
There are many ways to remember: using associations, schemes, plans …
All of the above methods are good and they really work. As a rule, a person, in the process of learning, using different methods of memorization, finds “his/her own”, those that will be most effective for him/her. The leading modality of man and the dominant hemisphere of the brain plays a significant role in the preference of certain methods of memorization. Therefore, it is impossible to say unequivocally which method is most effective. For each, it will be his/her own.
Is there a difference between when applicants repeat knowledge to themselves and out loud?
Repetition of the material “to oneself” is ineffective. It seems that you remember, you know, and you start to answer – and the answer is crumpled, fragmentary. It is better to draw up a plan, an outline of the answer, and always on paper, and not in the mind. Before the oral exam, you can check your readiness by telling the answer aloud in front of the mirror. Then a special kind of memory is included – speech-motor memory, and on the exam, this material is easy to recall.
How to develop your emotional stability?
For training emotional stability, the exercise “Half an hour that belongs only to me” will be very useful and effective.
The essence of this exercise is to give yourself at least half an hour after class, in order to disconnect and rest before the next stage of work. Spend these half an hour as you wish: walk along the city street, read poetry or prose, listen to music, play with your favorite animal, go to the window and look at the sky, trees, people walking along the street, try to imagine what they think, relax and sit with your eyes closed or, conversely, fill in the pause with active movements: dance to rhythmic music. The main thing is that you spend these half an hour solely of your own free will and that they bring you satisfaction and joy.
Also, the development of emotional stability is facilitated by self-regulation methods, purposefully created by a person to control him/herself. Four methods of self-regulation can be distinguished: relaxation, concentration, visualization, and self-hypnosis.
The main method of self-regulation is self-hypnosis. It should be positive, life-affirming, constructive (you cannot suggest negative things to yourself); should be denounced in simple, clear, and typical phrases in the affirmative form without a not ’particle (I want, I can, etc.) and involves repeated repetition.
But you need to remember that the psychological methods of self-regulation are quite individual, so it is advisable for graduates and applicants to prepare their own and during the examination use them. If this is difficult to do on your own, you can seek the help of specialist psychologists and, with their help, master various techniques of self-help and self-regulation.
How not to worry on exam day?
It is almost impossible to cope with the excitement on the day of the exam, especially if this exam is the first in life or decides the fate of your further studying. Nevertheless, it is possible to lower the level of stress somewhat and ensure yourself a success.
You should not take sedatives on this day, as they can cause drowsiness or defocus attention. Instead, it’s better to have breakfast. Breakfast should be quite hearty, but not plentiful (plentiful food makes you want to sleep).
Does chocolate help?
Chocolate activates thought processes. At breakfast, you can eat a few pieces of chocolate. In order to cope with physical stress, you need to do exercises or physical warm-up before breakfast. It is also useful to take a contrast shower, ending it with dousing with cold water.
It is recommended to go to the exam in the usual clothes, which on a subconscious level will provide comfort and a sense of security. As a “support group”, you can call with you the closest people who can help you get distracted and reduce your anxiety.
It is also advisable to master at least a few days before the exam special breathing exercises that will allow you to quickly remove excessive neuromuscular tension and optimize the functional state.
The fastest and most effective way to overcome feelings of stress and panic is to close your eyes and take a few slow, deep breaths. Such breathing will calm the nervous system. At the same time, you can say to yourself “I am calm and relaxed” or “I know that I can do this, and I will do it well! So, do not worry, you will succeed! I believe in you, so you should start to believe in yourself too.