The task is to somehow set yourself on interesting and can improve your mood. But this problem can be solved, because it is known: the man laughs when he’s having fun, but even the sad becomes more fun if it somehow make you laugh.
Some psychologists believe that us sad because we cry, and not Vice versa! And I’m Afraid we because are shaking, and shaking, I’m afraid.
This is not entirely true, but what is the connection between our actions and our feelings bilateral, that was certain. In man everything is interconnected, all causes and effects are constantly changing places.
Let’s consider the facts at our disposal:
– Costs a little more interesting, as the work goes better (experience with first graders);
– People in principle can be interested in even a very dull affair (revolutionary history);
– Work seems more interesting if we determined that it would be interesting (set theory);
– Not only the behavior depends on the mood, but the mood depends on the behavior.
Guided by these facts, you can probably develop some strategy.
The General plan of combating vicious circle hindering learning.
If it is so important to sit at work with a certain mood, and the mood depends on the behavior, we first need to see what happens to us when we are accepted for the job.
– We patiram his hands with pleasure.
– We smile.
– We carefully prepare, anticipating the pleasure.
– We say to ourselves like: “I love you, Botanica! I’d love to read what is written in the book, and I will be happy to teach!”
In other words, we produce a number of physical (rubbing hands) and mental actions.
Exactly the same should be done then — especially then! — when you sit down for cooking lessons unloved by the subject.
According to the law of the relationship, after some iterations — and not for the first time! — must appear in a good mood. Appears installation on an interesting job, and she, my work becomes a little more interesting!
No, it is not necessary to expect that we immediately and forever will love, for example, geography, unless he first loved her.
To fall in love with any school subject, one must have a good work out for them, we already talked about this.
Not the geography of love first, and my job over it! The work will respond with interest! And it already looks quite real. Love the work — it is available to everyone, even the most ardent haters of geography. After school, you can find a job with help of free classifieds site – Try to search vacancies on JiJi Jobs.
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