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Home » JAMB 2022 Form- UTME 2022 Registration » Gain 200 level admission to study in any university of your choice. NO JAMB | LOW FEES. Registration in progress.

Gain 200 level admission to study in any university of your choice. NO JAMB | LOW FEES. Registration in progress.

Gain 200 level admission to study in any university of your choice. NO JAMB | LOW FEES. Registration in progress

Annually, more than 1.5 million students do write UTME(JAMB) with the aspiration of securing admission into their desired institution but unfortunately it is just a fraction that ultimately realize this dream.

The truth is that some have written JAMB more than once and it looks seemingly impossible to gain admission because of various reason which could include: centre issues, mass failure, POST UTME failure among others.

Gain 200 level admission to study in any university of your choice

However, we present the golden opportunity for all ADMISSION SEEKERS who wish to acquire university degree at once without stress.

How? It is through IJMB.

(INTERIM JOINT MATRICULATION BOARD EXAMINATION) IJMBE rovides a unique platform for realising your dream of university education. IJMB programme is an Advance Level Programme intended for candidates aspiring to secure admission into any Nigerian University through Direct Entry (DE).

The programme last for nine (9) months divided into two semesters. During this period, students are exposed to intensive lectures from Mondays to Friday every week and a weekly C.A test..


The programme is certified by NUC (Nigeria University Commission) CHECK PAGE 4 OF JAMB BROCHURE, ITEM 2.2(2) TO CONFIRM IJMB AS A REQUIREMENT FOR UNIVERSITY EDUCATION.

It is more economical to go for this programme because it will save you the cost and stress of 100 level as you will be admitted directly into 200 level upon completion of the programme.

Even students with deficiency in O level can still register for the programme because preparations have been made for them by IJMB where they can write O LEVEL IJMB to augment their result. Students with awaiting results can also register.



* IJMB result takes whopping of 7 years to expire unlike your JAMB that is only for a year .

* You can still be doing it and apply for JAMB if you want to kill two birds with a stone

* You have more advantages of being admitted unlike those used JAMB since students with A level Result(IJMB Result) are very fewer in ratio.

Gain 200 level admission to study in any university of your choice

IJMB LEGIBILITY: IJMB certificate is recognized and accepted in more than 80% of Nigeria federal, state and private Universities. Thus, prospective candidates can check (item 2.2) of JAMB BROCHURE to confirm IJMB legibility.

IJMB DURATION: IJMB is a 9 month programme runs for a maximum period of one academic session divided into two(2) semesters.

IJMB ELIGIBILITY: The programme is open to all interested candidates nationwide and any course can be offered be it Science, Art or Social Science.

IJMB STUDY CENTRES: IJMB is done in our centers located in Lagos, Kwara and Oyo states respectively. You can apply into any of our study centers to begin your course.

Gain 200 level admission to study in any university of your choice

How To Apply For IJMB

Interested candidates are to pay the sum of Eight thousand, five hundred Naira only NGN 8,500 into the school account using the following details

1.You can APPLY ONLINE using your ATM card
Gain 200 level admission to study in any university of your choice


Account Name: Brainfill Concepts
Diamond Bank: 0053333398.
UBA (nationwide):1018787886

After payment, kindly send your payment details with the content (depositors name/ phone number/ E-mail/ teller number ) to 08063692710

  • Candidates using BANK DEPOSIT method of payments will get a login PIN in their email address or phone number, after their payment has been confirmed.
  • Candidates log-in using the PIN sent to their email address or phone number or confirmation of payment button on the registration page to be able to continue their registration.
  • (v) Candidates should ensure that the on-line forms are carefully filled, following ALL necessary instructions, as “mistake(s)” may lead to disqualification.
  • Please fill the on-line forms in CAPITAL letters only.
  • Multiple submissions may lead to disqualification.
  • Candidates can return to the REGISTRATION PAGE to edit/complete their previous entries or otherwise review and print their submissions.Please ensure that you click “FINAL SUBMISSION” before printing. Applicants should note that no further editing CAN be done after final submissions.

DISCLAIMER: All prospective candidates should note that Brainfill Academy is a Registered and Approved Institution in Nigeria with Registration number:CRBN 386497.

Application for IJMB can be done here online or in any of our respective centers: Thus we will not be responsible for any registration not done with us.
Apply directly with us here:

Do you still have questions about the IJMB Programme? Kindly contact us via the details below

Mobile: 08063692710 or 08063031179

17 thoughts on “Gain 200 level admission to study in any university of your choice. NO JAMB | LOW FEES. Registration in progress.”

  1. Nwankwo Chinedu Prosper

    Please sir help me and check my score. I took jamb exam since tuesday last week but I haven’t receive my score since then. Thanks as you dear grant to my soul with this blessed opportunity .. Reg number 65431355IC, exam number C13202127, seat no 127, exam Centre Akanu Ibiam Federal Polytechnic Afikpo in ebonyi state. Finally name ;Nwankwo Chinedu Prosper. Date ;8th of march 2016

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