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FUTO Compulsory Revalidation Of Students Course Registration

WE are using this medium to inform all the students of the Federal University of Technology, Owerri, FUTO that the compulsory revalidation of students’ course registration being carried out by FUTO-ICT Centre has taken off in full swing and all the students are expected to partake in it.

Both returning and newly admitted undergraduate students are once again reminded to go to the FUTO ICT Centre or the University Computer Centre (UCC) to complete the course revalidation exercise. (


Question: What about those who have registered various courses in various places. What are going to do?
Answer: This online course registration is different from the one you did at various departments. it is compulsory.

Any student, who fails to complete the ongoing futo course registration revalidation exercise, within the stipulated period, would not be allowed to attend lectures or write examinations on any courses he or she didn’t register for. Please take note!

According to the school authority, the slogan for this exercise is; “No Course Registration, No Examinations!” please find the summary of the procedure for the course registration revalidation exercise is as follows:

(1) Go to your department and confirm your course registration status with your Class Adviser. This involves confirming and obtaining, from your Class Adviser, all your registered courses from the first (Harmattan) semester of your first year up to and including the current semester.

(2) Go to the ICT Centre or the University Computer Centre (UCC) and obtain the course revalidation CD containing the course registration template.

(3) Enter, offline, on the course revalidation CD, all your registered courses and required biodata. It takes less than 20 minutes to complete entries on the CD.

(4) Submit your completed course revalidation CD to the ICT Centre.

(5) Enter, online, on FUTO Edu-portal, all your registered courses for the current (2014/2015 Harmattan) semester, after paying your school fees for the current session.

Warning: For both offline and online course registration, students are strongly advised and warned to use the computers and internet facilities at the ICT Centre and the University Computer Centre (UCC), and not to patronize quark Cyber cafes and business centres.

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