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ANSU 2nd Batch Admission List for 2013/2014 is Out!

The latest report reaching is that the 2nd batch admission list of candidates who are offered provisional admission into the Anambra State University (ANSU) for the 2013/2014 academic session has been released for both Uli and Igbariam campuses.

The ANSU 2nd batch admission list released has been uploaded on the school website and all the applicants who are expecting their names on the list can proceed to check their names,the school made it possible for prospective students to check their names online without having to travel all the way to the Institution before accessing their admission status.

How to check Ansu 2nd Batch Admission list for 2013/2014
The merit/1st batch admission list of ANSU has been released some few weeks ago, if you are yet to check the list, you can so by Clicking Here.

To check if you are among those who are offered provisional admission into Anambra State University for the 2013/14 session, click here/a>.

We wish you all the best.
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1 thought on “ANSU 2nd Batch Admission List for 2013/2014 is Out!”

  1. hw did they consider dose dat choose ansu 2nd choice?does dia names among d merit list or second batch.bcos my frnd score vry high(putme286 medicine jamb222,2nd choice ansu) on d second batch no it only dose dat choose 1st choice dat are been considerd on d merit list.pls explain 2 me.

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