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Ajayi Crowther University Provisional Admission List for 2012/2013 Session is Out

Ajayi Crowther University has just released the Provisional Admission list of successful Candidates admitted into the programme of your choice for 2012/2013 Session.

How to check your Ajayi Crowther Admission Status

Goto the university website at to view 2012/2013 Provisional Admission list .

Applicants who are admitted can get their admission letter by sending an email to: containing the following details:
* Your surname,
* firstname &
* othernames
* 1st Choice Course
* Mobile Phone Number

Then proceed to make of N50,000.00 (Fifty Thousand Naira) Only for Your Acceptance and your full fees as contained in the attachment to your admission letter into any branch of First Bank :
Account Number: 2013309767

All admitted students should ensure to make their payments on or before the end of August 2012 to enjoy a rebate.
Follow the steps below to fill the bank teller.

* Phone Number
* Surname, Firstname and Other names.
After making payment send the following details to this email address:
* Teller Number
* Bank name and Bank Branch
* Payment date

Ajayi Crowther University Second Admissions Exercise
The Ajayi Crowther 2nd Admissions Exercise for the 2012/2013 Academic Session will began on Thursday, 6th September, 2012 at Oyo State.

All interested applicants are to report to the University Main Auditorium for the Post-UTME Screening Test at 10:00am Prompt.

The Ajayi Crowther Second Admission Exercise candidates are to make payments of Payment of N6,000 (Six Thousand Naira) Only for the admission form and interested candidates can purchase the form at any of the designated banks before the date of the Exercise:
* Bank Name
* Account Name

(Stanbic IBTC Bank 9202409902)

(Skye Bank Plc 1770968562)

(Guaranty Trust Bank Plc 0050684338)

(First Bank Plc 2013309767)

(Ecobank Plc 0007351818)

For More details or enquires forward it to Ajayi Crowther Official portal at: or you can send e-mail to

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